By Adele Annesi

Word for Words is by author Adele Annesi. For Adele's website, visit Adele Annesi.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Great Divide: The Challenges of Writing in Multiple Genres

Writer and busy mom Dawn Aldrich, author of the children's picture book Auntie's House, is working on a nonfiction book for adult daughters of divorce.

Today, Dawn discusses the emotional and professional challenges of writing in multiple genres.

AA: In what ways did shifting gears from writing for children to writing for adults challenge you as a writer

DA: Switching gears to write adult nonfiction last summer was a challenge in every way. It challenged me emotionally because I had to relive some painful experiences. It challenged me academically as I researched and read other authors' work on the subject.

AA: What about your writing and the professional side of being an author?

DA: It challenged my writing as I sometimes lost my true voice and bored my reader. It challenged me professionally as I learned the value of being guided by an outline, composing a professional book proposal, learning to handle rejection from publishers.

Visit Dawn at her blog, Dawn's New Day, or her website, Dawn Aldrich.

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